Maureen McGuire, Ph.D. A Leader in Leadership Training
Since 1985, McGuire Consulting has been offering a variety of leadership courses, including individual coaching, group sessions, and lectures. Employing sophisticated individual and group assessment techniques, classes that emphasize improving management communication and problem solving skills through hands-on exercises. McGuire Consulting employs a dedicated staff of educated professionals to serve your needs nationwide.
An innovator in leadership training/assessment for the next millennium, Dr. McGuire has pioneered a number of successful programs for developing leaders.
Dr. McGuire holds a Ph.D. in Communications from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, an M.A. from New York University, and a B.A. from State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Prior to founding McGuire Consulting Services, Dr. McGuire was a faculty member of the American Management Association, where she focused on the development of top executives. Before joining the A.M.A, she was an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Oregon Health Sciences University, where she coached physicians and other health professionals in patient education and counseling. In 1983, Dr. McGuire was named Oregon's Woman of the Year in Science and Technology.
A frequent guest on television and radio, Dr. McGuire has produced numerous training films and videotapes. She has also served as an advisor to M.I.T., the National Science Foundation and Tektronics Foundation.